January 31th, 2025. Rúben Lourenço, from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, gave a seminar on the use of neural networks for constitutive modeling of materials, particularly metals in the plastic range.

January 9th, 2025. Conference by Beatriz Moya, from ENSAM Paris: Resilience for prediction and recovery strategies of critical infrastructures in extreme events.

November 25th, 2024. The ESI Group-UZ chair of the national strategy in artificial intelligence and sustainability has been awarded during the 10th ‘Thrid Millennium’ awards gala of the Heraldo de Aragon newspaper. Our director, Elías Cueto, received the award on behalf of all the members of the chair.

September 3rd. Conference of prof. Cueto at the CALISTA workshop in Paris.

June 27th, 2024. Conference at the II conference on industrial transformation held at the University of Zaragoza. Prof. Cueto speaks about hybrid AI and its future on the transformation of the Spanish industry.
March 14th, 2024. Prof. Cueto gives an invited conference in the context of the French Group of Research on Engineering Augmented by Data, Learning and AI, I-GAIA.

February, 23th, 2024. Plenary conference, prof. David González. II Congreso Nacional de Ciencias, Tecnología e Innovación. Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá.

February, 2024: Podcast, Prof. Gonzalez. AI: from the lab to our daily life. Click on the picture to listen.

November, 2023. Extensive participation of our group in the MORtech congress, held at the ENS de Paris-Saclay in November 2023.

July, 2023: Prof. Gonzalez gives invited lectures on AI at the Technological University of Panamá.